Why Is the Art of Icon Painting Important These Days?
As a full-fledged craft, icon painting emerged long ago, during the era of early Christianity. Over centuries, it has risen from niche religious art to one of the most sacred and integral symbols of the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is no doubt that icons are an inalienable part of religious traditions and Christianity overall, but do they still matter nowadays?
In this day and age, the world has become so shifting and temporal that even the conventional standards and norms might be undermined. Contemporary art is flourishing, while some old and rare forms of art cease to exist forever. Does the icon painting have a place in modern realities? And if yes, what makes it so important?
To answer these questions, you need to know the cornerstone of the icon painting, a principle on which the craft is based. In a nutshell, the concept that all religious images follow is rooted deep into the rich symbolism, faith, and relation to the Kingdom of Heaven. Since religious canons have not changed throughout history, the meaning and purpose of the icons are still the same. What are they?
The door to Heaven
First and foremost, icons connect Christians to God. By venerating the sacred images of Jesus Christ, people establish a spiritual communication that empowers them with unique knowledge and inner peace.
Understanding religion
Through icons, you can learn a powerful lot of information about Christianity, the life of saints, and the biblical scenes. They are a huge receptacle of knowledge to which one should find a key.
Tribute to tradition
You should not forget that icon painting is a tradition, both in the realm of religion and art. Techniques that modern Russian icon painters use are the direct predecessors of the art that once appeared in Byzantium.
Hopefully, now the real importance of the icon painting for the contemporary world is more obvious and less abstract!