Eastern Orthodox Icon of the Mother of God “Assuage My Sorrows”
Today, February 7, the Orthodox Church celebrates the antique icon of the Mother of God “Assuage My Sorrows.” This Eastern Orthodox icon, which is regarded as miraculous, holds the power to heal numerous bodily and spiritual illnesses of the faithful who pray in front of it. Learn about the history of the icon’s origins and its meaning in our new blog post.
The origin story of the icon
The icon of the Mother of God “Assuage My Sorrows” was brought to Moscow by Cossacks in 1640. However, this Eastern Orthodox icon became known later, in the second half of the 18th century when it first manifested its healing powers. The relic is now housed in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Zamoskvorechie.
According to the legend, this religious icon cured a woman who suffered from a weakness in her feet and hands. Having no hope of recovery and being in oblivion, the woman suddenly saw the icon of the Mother of God and heard a voice ordering her to go to Moscow to the Church of Saint Nicholas and pray there in front of the image “Assuage My Sorrows.” If she did that, she would receive a cure for her ailment.
The poor woman lived far from Moscow, but she obeyed the Blessed Virgin Mary. When she finally found the icon, the sick woman kissed it, and after a moleben, her feet and hands became much stronger. In honor of this miraculous event, which occurred on February 7, 1760, the Church celebrates the feast of the icon of the Mother of God “Assuage My Sorrows.”
Eastern Orthodox icon of the Mother of God “Assuage My Sorrows” and its description
The icon “Assuage My Sorrows” depicts the Theotokos with the Child Christ. She holds Jesus with her right hand. Christ, in His turn, holds an unfolded scroll saying, “Judge righteously; each show mercy to one another; do not offend widows and orphans, and do not keep malice in your heart towards your brother.” The head of the Mother of God is slightly inclined sideways. She is bending her left hand toward her head as if listening to the prayers of the faithful for the assuaging of all their sorrows.
The Eastern Orthodox icon of the Mother of God “Assuage My Sorrows” is a wonderworking shrine venerated by many Orthodox believers all over the world. They appeal to this icon to heal their most severe ailments because they believe that the Mother of God will hear them all.
Originally published at https://russianicon.com on February 7, 2021.