Antiques and Icon Appraisal: What You Need to Know
Whether you are a seller ot buyer, when it comes to the antiques and icon appraisal, you should take into account the fact that such pieces can be evaluated differently by different experts. However, there are still some general criteria by which you can make a preliminary appraisal of antique Russian icons and other works of religious art.
It is possible to judge the value of an antique icon according to the following parameters:
Condition. First, it is necessary to determine the state of your piece. Look closely at the work — whether the paint has worn off and whether there are scratches, chips, or stains. Was the image exposed to water or other liquid? If such an icon is not the only one of its kind, you can look at its photos on the web and compare them to what state it was initially in. The better it is preserved, the higher its value.
Period of creation. In most cases, the older the religious painting, the more expensive it is. If you consult experts in antiques and icon appraisal, you will know that the market is full of icons of the late 19th — early 20th century. That is why icons created, for example, in the 16th century are considered rare, which makes them some of the most valuable and desired among collectors. The thing is at that time, there were not many icon painters who were approved by the Church. Therefore, relatively few copies have survived. Thus, if you have an icon of that period in your possession, it can be sold for a hefty sum.
Subject. The subject of the piece is also an important component of the antiques and icon appraisal. For example, if you want to know the value of your icon, look closely at the image. Biblical stories depicting Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and the apostles, as well as holy icons of popular saints, are much appreciated today.
Material. Antique icons were created not only on wood panels but also on canvas, fabric, and even leather. The material used in the creation and its quality may also add value to the icon or, vice versa, reduce it.
The easiest and most reliable way to find out the cost of your icon or piece of antiquity is to turn to experts in antiques and icon appraisal. Keep in mind that in some cases, you may also need professional restoration services if you want to sell the item for a higher price.
Originally published at on December 15, 2019.